3 minutes to read

Jung was using drugs even before she was a teenager. It was a lifestyle full of fractured relationships, disappointment, and untapped potential.

Jung didn’t know how to do life without the help of illegal drugs. We was an addict before she knew what an addict was. It led her into a dark world of multiple abusive relationships and the tragedy of losing her children to the foster care system. On several occasions she made efforts to get her life together but to no lasting avail. Homelessness was a way of life.

Jung even entered the Orange County Rescue Mission recovery program. It helped for a time, but because she wasn’t really committed to life transformation, it too proved to be a temporary band-aid on a deeper problem.

Finally reaching the end of herself, God re-opened a door to re-enter the OCRM program and provided a Christian organization called Safe Families to temporarily find a family for her children to stay with while she worked on getting healthy.

Jung saw this as the grace of God to offer her a second chance to focus on life change. Knowing from experience that she had no power of her own to accomplish such a feat, Jung surrendered control of her life to Christ. She trusted that God is able to do what no person or program can do… to create a new heart, a new life direction, and a new lifestyle. Jung was now on the road to life transformation through her commitment to Christ.

Jung has subsequently graduated the recovery program, got an excellent job, secured a nice 3-bedroom apartment, and most important of all her children are back in her care.

Last week, Deed and Truth was honored to be used of God to assist Jung in ending her long battle with homelessness by turning her house into a home.

It was the first H2H partnership with our home church, Pacific Coast Church. The team of PCCers did an amazing job. Not only were they well prepared and capable workers, but they had hearts filled with compassion. What a joy to partner together.

Here’s a few comments from the newest H2H team members:

It was such a blessing to help Jung and her 3 darling children in such a tangible way. This is a great example of the community of Christ working together for good. This is an amazing ministry and I can’t wait to do it again!!


Working with Deed and Truth and my church family to transform Jung’s apartment into a beautiful and comfortable home was such a blessing. The look on Jung’s face when she walked in was priceless and as she told us all her story I knew we had made a difference in her life.  I love this ministry and I look forward to being involved in many more!


It was great to see how God provided each person with different abilities and skills, and how everyone jumped right into their role all over the house. I felt blessed to be included. 


To be honest I have been more of a hearer of His Word and not a doer, so being a part of the team was truly, truly great and I cannot wait for the next opportunity to do it again. What Dan and Betty are doing with this ministry hits me close to home. This was my first H2H transformation and seeing the amount of love poured into the process by the team and then seeing Jung’s and the babies’ reaction—God’s presence was undeniable.


As we were wrapping up a great day of ministry, Jung shared with us about her journey. She paused and reflected for a brief moment then said something that blessed us all. Jung said, “This is a miracle to me”! She was blown away with both how God has transformed her life and how our H2H team had transformed her empty house into a beautiful home.

How honored we all feel to be a tangible agent of God, acting as his hands and feet, to be a part of, what this grateful mother considered to be, a MIRACLE!

One thought on “This Is A Miracle To Me

  1. Another wonderful implementation of the Lord’s boundless Love through Deed and Truth ! Please keep up this blessed engagement with our sisters, brothers and children coming out of the darkness and into “His wonderful light.”
    Thank you, Pastor Dan, Betty and all of Deed &Truth’s volunteers and donors for continuing and growing this worthy ministry! Robert Brandt

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