A heart full of Gratitude is a beautiful thing to see…
Rozana graduated from the Orange County Rescue Mission, secured a job, has been saving money, and recently signed a lease for a new apartment. She was accepted as a House2Home recipient and a team from Pacific Coast Church in San Clemente turned her empty house into a HOME.
Thanks to the help of our volunteers and donors, God has empowered us to transition over 125 families in the past five years. There’s never a dry eye or a lack of emotion but this family was so grateful and so expressive! They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. So how many words is a good video worth? Their faces and responses tell the whole story. Instead of reading my words, please take 60 seconds to experience what our volunteers experienced at the reveal when Rozana and her children saw their new home fully-furnished and decorated for the first time.
Thank you God for allowing us all to be privileged to serve you by blessing families like this one. And thanks to all of you who give of your time and financial resources so generously.
Watch and may your heart be filled…