Expressing the love of Jesus through Deed & Truth… because sometimes words aren’t enough.
Building bridges to connect people ready to change with people ready to make a difference.
Every person experiencing homelessness has a unique story. However, not every person experiencing homelessness is ready to pursue life change. Deed and Truth focuses on those who are. We vet those individuals through existing organizations such as Rescue Missions. Our ministry bridges are strategically focused toward helping those who are actively engaging in life change programs. We strive to come alongside those organizations, and individuals, who are committed to life transformation to end the homelessness cycle.
Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O mankind, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
- Responsibility: to do what is good toward all humanity
- Accountability: to align with the Lord’s heart
- Integrity: to promote justice
- Charity: to demonstrate compassion
- Humility: to serve the hurting as the hands and feet of Jesus
We partner with existing organizations to compliment their valiant efforts by helping to expand existing programs and create new ways to fill important gaps where God reveals relational, material, and spiritual needs, for those who need it most.