She grew up in a recovery institution. Now she works there.
Since Ashley’s mother was an addict she was raised by her grandmother. Her mother finally got the help she needed at Teen Challenge and Ashley was reunited with her mother at the age of nine. Ashley and her mother lived in Teen Challenge housing till she finished high school.
Her mother got clean and sober and worked for Teen Challenge. When Ashley graduated high school she attended the Teen Challenge Ministry School. Upon graduating she was hired by Teen Challenge also. Now she works for the Ministry Director.
Her mother has been clean and sober now for many years and, by the grace of God, Ashley never got involved with drugs. God has shown himself powerful by breaking the chain of drug abuse and homelessness in her family.
Deed & Truth turned Ashley’s new apartment into a home a couple of weeks ago. We were all so impressed with the maturity and innocence that God has gifted her with in her journey. Ashley has a heart to want to help women who are struggling with pain, addiction, and poverty.
Ashley has seen behind the curtain of drug addiction and true recovery through Christ. This difficult childhood has molded her heart to provide her a purpose in life that will bless many women just like her mother. And their children, whom she can relate to in a very personal way.
A special thanks to the House2Home team from Christ Central Church in Fullerton & Los Angeles for providing many of the household items, the muscle, elbow grease, and decorating touches to turn Ashley’s house into a home.
And to all of you who have gifted furniture or finances to this ministry we want to say “thank-you” and we want to wish you a “Happy New Year.”
Your partnership in the “good news” is changing lives by providing strength and encouragement for many of the least of these to find new life in Christ… free from the devastating bondage of drugs and the emotional wreckage of loneliness and self-loathing.
If you’d like to help with a year-end financial gift here on the last day of 2022 that would certainly be very much appreciated.