When you use your resources to help a needy person, you are getting to use that money twice!
When you invest your finances into helping one of our House2Home recipients, you are both utilizing the gift now by giving this person a chance to change the course of their families lives… and you are also laying up treasures for yourself with God in eternity.
“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Jesus (Matthew 7:21)
Jesus actually encouraged us to lay up treasures for ourselves. That’s not a selfish desire. The key though is this, we aren’t to hoard it here on earth simply for our own personal gain or security. Give it away to the needy now, on earth, and that is like sending it on ahead as an investment in eternity. It works two-fold: it changes life on earth for the needy and it improves your life in heaven! I guess that’s God’s way of rewarding his followers who manage the money he gives them wisely.
One added benefit… it keeps your heart in the right place. It’s interesting that Jesus said that your heart will be where you put your treasure and not necessarily the other way around. Wise King Solomon told us, “above all else, guard your heart.” When you invest in people who are needy your heart becomes more compassionate and your heart also stays fixed on the long-range goal of life… to prepare for eternity.
When you invest in the future with Deed and Truth, we want you to know that these are people, and families, who have worked hard and come a long way toward becoming more physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
We vet every H2H candidate using these criteria:
- Graduated from a Christian program at a shelter
- Recommended by their case manager at the shelter
- Have secured employment that will provide a sustainable income
- Have signed a lease on a rental property
- Have a substantial amount of money in a savings account
As we enter the final month of 2023 would you consider investing in the future, both yours and one of our House2Home recipients, by making a generous year-end donation to Deed and Truth?