2 minutes to read


Getting from here to there may sound simple if you have wheels but have you ever thought about how difficult that can be for those who are experiencing homelessness?



Deed & Truth is making a difference in the area of transportation at both the Union Rescue Mission and Hope Gardens Family Center.



Most people experiencing homelessness must utilize the public transportation systems.  Trying to get to work, for instance, may require walking to a bus stop then taking a bus to catch another bus that goes to your place of employment. 



This might take three times as long and requires a person to spend a lot more time getting from here to there and back.  This might require waking up much earlier and coming home much later.



It also requires finances that are hard to come by when you are still looking for work.  Deed & Truth is partnering with the Employment Department at the URM to provide monthly bus passes for those who are going on job interviews and to cover their first few weeks of employment until they get their first pay check.  This makes sure that transportation is not a deal breaker for those trying to find and keep jobs that are so critical to turning a life around.



Deed and Truth has also given a makeover to one of our older shuttles used to transport our Hope Garden families and senior ladies.  The cloth seats were so worn that our senior ladies were not wanting to even go out to do their chores given the condition of the seats being stained and torn. 



Last week the shuttle went to the upholstery shop and came out with brand new faux leather looking seats that are easy to maintain and keep clean.  The ladies and families were so surprised and delighted to see the transformation. 




The new look on the shuttle is just one more way that Deed and Truth can practically say “Jesus loves you” and thinks you are a valuable person… because sometimes words are not enough… our deeds speak the truth of what we believe is truth!



Thank you for helping us bring hope to the hurting and hopeless in the name of Jesus.



–Pastor Dan





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