1 minutes to read

God calls people from every social economic sector to lead in his church… even the poor! 

One out of every three people on planet earth live in urban poverty. What happens when God reaches the poor and calls them into ministry in his church?  

The work of the Lord deserves well-trained leadership to do effective ministry. The financial expense of a seminary education varies significantly, but at even the most affordable schools, it will end up costing a minimum of $25,000-35,000.

So how can the urban poor ever receive a quality theological education?

TUMI is The Urban Ministry Institute, a ministry of World Impact. There is a branch in Los Angeles hosted by the Union Rescue Mission in Skid Row to provide a quality seminary level education for those experiencing homelessness in, and around, the mission.  

The Mission covers most of the cost for the class tuitions so that each student only pays $25 per class. But the books are another story. Books generally run about $100 a student per class.  

This is where Deed and Truth has joined in the effort to provide an affordable seminary education for the poor. It’s our desire to sponsor every student, in every class at the mission, by buying every book!

The bible clearly teaches, and Jesus clearly demonstrated, that every person has a responsibility to prioritize ministering to the poor in our society. This is an effective way we can help the poor get training to serve in the urban churches. 

Will you help us in this partnership with the Union Rescue Mission and The Urban Ministry Institute? You might want to sponsor a student or, who knows, maybe God will encourage you to sponsor an entire class. Either way, your financial help will be greatly appreciated.

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