2 minutes to read


Deed and Truth has established a number of ministries to help those who have worked hard to overcome their obstacles to become faithful followers of Christ. 



One of the ministries that provides both practical financial help as well as relational support is the Iron Man Scholarship Fund. Through our non-profit we offer much needed connection to those when, and after, they leave the mission.



Upon transitioning the mission the men are encouraged to apply for the scholarship fund which will give them financial aide for their bills. We give them a check for $500 upon being accepted with another $500 at the end of one year. In between they can stop in to see me each month for ten months to get a $50 gift certificate for groceries. 



To qualify, we have a few simple requirements that all are in place to maintain Christian Community. Here are the qualifications that must be met:


  1. You must have your mission chaplain sign off that you are transitioning in good standing with the mission.

  2. You must have the pastor of your church sign off that you are participating in the community life of your local church.

  3. You must have your sponsor/mentor/disciple sign off that you are in an on-going relationship that is providing accountability in your life.

  4. You must have Pastor Dan sign off that you are participating in the URM Alumni’s Band of Brothers that provides fellowship and service to the mission.


The thinking is that the men will need Christian Community to maintain a healthy life-style and this is something they need to protect. If they continue in this life-style we will help them for that first year to create new personal habits that hopefully will remain for the rest of their lives.



We are glad to announce that we have provided checks to the first five men who have transitioned since we have finalized the scholarship process. 



Enrique is the first man to receive the scholarship. He is now the manager of the URM transportation ministry. He has purchased a car and lives on his own in an apartment. He has memorized significant passages of scripture and is living clean and sober and enjoying his new life. 





Rufus is retired and living with a family member. He volunteers regularly. He is clean and sober but is dealing with some health issues that are affecting his voice. He can barely speak. Please pray for his health.






Mike, James and Joe are all gainfully employed, owns cars, and living successfully in the Los Angeles area.  They are all volunteering at the mission and involved in their churches. They are all living clean and sober and excellent examples to others of the grace of God.



Please pray for these five men: Enrique, Joe, James, Mike, and Rufus. Please pray for the others to follow.  And thank you to those who have contributed to the Iron Man Scholarship Fund. If you’d like to contribute you can do so by clicking “donate” at the top of the page.



– Pastor Dan





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