Wisdom is better than jewels!
Arguably, the wisest man to ever live, King Solomon of Israel, once said… “For wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.” (Proverbs 8:11)
Joyce is a single woman who spent decades as a drug addict. She is no stranger to a jail cell. Her rap sheet is full of marks against her. It seemed like she was destined to a wasted life and premature death. But then… she met God!
Joyce believes God performed a miracle in saving her from her own demise. She sees his agent to be the Orange County Rescue Mission.
Today, she is clean and sober, has a very prosperous job, and a new apartment. Deed and Truth had the privilege to encourage Joyce by turning her house into a home. Joyce was so appreciative.
As Joyce opened up about her past it was so apparent that she is deeply connected to God. When we arrived, she was watching Christian worship music on YouTube. The sounds of praise permeated throughout the house. She quickly opened up and began sharing her remarkable journey.
Joyce was incredibly grateful for the practical benefits of her House2Home transformation but what she was ecstatic about was the professional counseling service that Deed and Truth offers to each H2H recipient.
As she looks to the future, Joyce has a balanced view of her challenges. She is incredibly receptive to input and advice. We introduced Joyce to our Deed and Truth therapist and trauma counselor, Kim Dodd.
Kim is employed at a church and also has her own practice. She loves what Deed and Truth is all about. Kim is a part of the Deed and Truth team as we have her on a monthly retainer to work with any of our H2H recipients who feel the need for professional, biblical, trauma counseling.
Joyce told us that as much as she sees the value of her H2H makeover she sees the jewel of what we have offered her to be the on-going wisdom she wants to receive from her new relationship with Kim.
Would you please pray for Joyce? Her prayer requests are for continued growth in her knowledge of God through Christ and victory over any and all temptations that she anticipates coming her way now that she is committed to following Jesus with her whole heart. She also wants to stay involved in the OCRM Alumni Association as she loves to give back by volunteering and sharing her life story. Finally, she is asking for prayer regarding a career that connects with her desire to help others who have a similar background. Her current employment pays well but she prefers more eternal purpose in her work.
Thanks to all of our Deed and Truth partners who have donated finances, furniture, and furnishings that helped us turn Joyce’s house into a home and is providing her on-going support and hope through our counseling ministry.