Facts inform the mind… but Stories inspire the heart. Check out these two inspiring House2Home testimonials from a Volunteer and Recipient…
A note from Sean, a young man who volunteered for a recent H2H…
Helping Gregory move into his new apartment was an extremely rewarding and heart-warming experience. Everyone involved was so kind-hearted and friendly which made me feel welcome and appreciated. Gregory’s smile when he first came into his newly-furnished apartment was priceless, and when he began to tear up, so did I. His story was one of courage, faith, and sorrow, and the way he told it was so raw and genuine. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity.

A powerful response from Gregory…
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity and allowing me to share my blessed experience, resulting from House 2 Home’s visit.
I have osteogenesis imperfecta, plus a few other illnesses, which have left me relying on the use of a wheelchair, forearm canes, and full length leg braces on each leg.
I have lived in Orange county for well over 20-years, until the job I had in Irvine closed their call center, and moved it Henderson, Nevada. Apparently, the top boss thought enough of my work, that I was given a raise, plus relocation expenses, to join them… I know right! But unexpectedly, after I called for a meeting with the manager, to inquire about my job security, I was told I was the exact type of the employee companies were looking for… I know right, but was let go a week later after moving into a different new apartment. The owner decided to sell her condo I was currently living in, out of the blue without even letting me finish my years lease agreement. But God…
With assistance from family members, I moved back to California; but not in my own place to stay. Fortunately, God used a dear friend of mine, who was praying for me, to connect me with those who could help.
Well, do you believe that God loves us, and that He works all things together for our good? Not that I deserve it, but God blessed me with a brand new apartment, but I didn’t have anything to go into it, besides myself that is.
Hold on to your hat, or seat, would you believe God placed on the hearts of individuals that I didn’t know, who were involved with a non-profit organization that I never heard of, to completely turn my House into a Home. Providing complete dish sets, bowls, cups glasses, cooking pots, plus pans, silverware, a black electric coffee pot (of course matching the black toaster), a flat screen tv, wall pictures, complete bathroom, and bed set.
Needless to say, I was left totally speechless, without knowing words that expressed my gratitude; the words thank you just did not seem adequate. But if that wasn’t enough, the leaders of the group introduced me to a young man who was volunteering, then we discussed the goodness of the Lord, in the face of adversity, and closed in prayer.
(I have learned that…) Whatever your situation is… to be encouraged… even if it seems like you’re losing your grip, or you have mustard seed faith, don’t worry… God is our Faithful One, and He’ll never let go of our hand.
If you’d like to volunteer or donate to help a future House2Home move-in please let us know. And a special thanks to the entire team from WELL WORKS who made Gregory’s house a HOME!
If you’d like to be a phone friend to send encouraging texts or calls to Gregory please contact us: betty@deedandtruth.org.
“Deed and truth” strikes again! Hooray! Thank you so much to everybody at “deed and truth” for furnishing Gregorys apartment.