Alicia had to overcome the Big three: Mental Health, Addiction, and Homelessness. Here’s her inspiring story.
She ran away from home at 17 and her severe mental health struggles led her into drug and alcohol addictions which finally led to homelessness. Alicia had finally run out of options. All her family and friends were putting an end to the enabling patterns and were having to show tough love. After 11 years of a nomad lifestyle, sofa surfing and burning all of her relational bridges she was one day away from living out on the streets when she got the call.
On the other line was the representative from the OC Rescue Mission. He told her, “We have an opening, but you better be here when the doors open at 8am, or you will be telling me you don’t want it bad enough.” Alicia had all her belongings in a couple of bags waiting for two hours at the door before the mission opened. She was done with her lifestyle and needed someone to help her beat the overwhelming odds of fighting the big three from 17-29 years old.
Alicia spent the next three years working diligently on her recovery. She took every class available, she learned obedience to following rules, and was willing to listen to input from godly case managers and staff who trusted God for her salvation and recovery.
Five and a half years later Alicia is still clean and sober. She says, “If you can’t get better with the abundance of love, acceptance, and guidance you get from the mission, then you can’t get better!” She was also excited to tell us that she has reconciled with her parents and long time friends who are so proud of her transformation.
Alicia recently moved into her own apartment. This past Saturday, one of the Deed and Truth volunteer teams turned her house into a home. When she returned home and saw her place she was amazed at the transformation. As she sat down and shared her journey with our team Alicia stated, “This is my first very own home. I never could have imagined living a sober and balanced life in my own place. Thanks to you I now have a model home.” A few hours after the team departed, Alicia texted, “Now it’s really hitting me…this is my house. I could just cry, I’m so happy.”
Alicia has been working full time for two years and is starting a new job this week with better pay and a career path. She wants to save enough money to go to junior college and pursue a higher education as a means to advancing toward her goals. Finances have always been a struggle for her. Alicia asked us for a financial counselor so she can build her credit and save money.
Alicia was excited to hear that Deed and Truth has a professional counselor on the team to help her with her mental health which is a lifelong battle.
Please pray for Alicia as she begins independent living. Pray she stays connected to her church and keeps a community of people surrounding her to provide an effective safety net. As Alicia said, “I never want to return to my old life.”
Thanks to the team from Pacific Coast Church in San Clemente for investing your day off to turn Alicia’s house into a home. And thanks to all of our ministry partners who volunteer, donate furnishings, and give financially making it possible to end homelessness one person, or family at a time.
Against the Odds… Alicia has a new pattern of healthy living and Against the Odds, she is becoming an Overcomer!
It was a blessing to meet Alicia and be part of the team that loved her through cleaning, furnishing and decorating her first home. I have no doubt that Alicia will succeed at her career goals – she is smart and is committed to reaching her career goals. Listening to Alicia was both humbling and encouraging. I am praying for Alicia to remain connected to Jesus, to godly fellowship, to have the financial guidance and success she seeks, and to be strong in avoiding any temptation that would lead to a return to her former lifestyle ♥️
Praying for Alicia!