It’s estimated that over 12,000 families have already lost their homes in Los Angeles from the devastating fires.
I believe almost everyone wants to do something to help but it can get confusing trying to figure out how this is best done. If you are still looking for a way to make a difference we have an opportunity for you to do just that…
We want to recruit you to help Deed and Truth in our effort to help two families who have tragically lost their homes in the fire.
One is a former lead Chaplain at the Union Rescue Mission, Mike McIntire. He and his wife Christy have two girls. They lost their home in Pasadena as well as all of their personal belongings.
The second family is Amalia, a single mother with two young children, 4 & 7 years old. She had just moved all her things into her new apartment last Tuesday. She laid down to rest only to be awakened by the news that a fire was rapidly approaching her area in Altadena. She grabbed her children and evacuated immediately only to find out later that night that her new apartment, and all the things they had just moved in earlier that same day, were destroyed in the fire.
We are lining up the details to use our House2Home ministry to move these two families into new apartments or homes. They are in transition for the moment but as soon as they secure a new lease, we want to be ready to respond.
You can help by either volunteering your time on the day of the move in the Los Angeles area or you could donate funds to help purchase the necessary items. Either way, this is a very personal way to help two specific families who have experienced the trauma of seeing their homes burn down with every personal item they own turned to ashes.
We will keep you posted on the move in dates to volunteer or you can give financially by clicking the button below. Either way, thank you in advance. Please keep them in your prayers during this chaotic time.
Heather and I would like to help and have some furniture that we would like to donate if needed. We have a green armoire, a dining room table with six chairs, a book shelf, a black hutch. If those would be of interest, let me know. Depending on timeframe for help needed with the move, let me know once the day/time is planned.
Beale Howard
Hi Beale
Great to hear from you. Can you send photos of the items you have to donate. Hope the family is well heading into the new year.
Dan, we have two sets of bath towels (white set & dark gray set) to offer these two families.
Keep me posted of your needs as you pursue helping these two families.
Blessings Norma Rhue
Hi Dan, I am interested in helping. I used to attend Grace church in Laguna Niguel but now live in the valley. Please keep me updated on when you might need help. Thanks and God Bless those in need greatly.
Great to hear from you. We’d love you to join our volunteer team for one or both of these Fire Victim H2H move-ins
Hi Norma
Thanks for the offer of the towels. These days we are only taking NEW towels for H2H. If these are new, you can arrange a drop off at Lynne’s house with Lynne directly. Thanks for thinking of us and these two hurting families.