2 minutes to read

Benjamin Franklin once said, “God helps those who help themselves.” It’s also true that God helps those who can not help themselves.

Jody had already done the hard work of graduating the OC Rescue Mission and moving out on her own but she didn’t know how to make her house a home. Then she met Betty.

Jody didn’t grow up in a home where she was taught how to do life and family. She was feeling stuck. She asked Betty to show her how to turn her house into a home. She wanted a comfy family room area where she and her 4 daughters could watch TV together, and a kitchen table large enough to enjoy family meals. 

Jody has come a long, long way from where she started her journey toward recovery and restoration. Here’s Jody’s personal testimony:

I overcame my addiction of 19 years by the grace of God. I had my daughters taken away by CPS and I was homeless for 2 years. I moved into the OCRM in 2017 got my kids back, graduated high school, got a certificate in Basic Accounting. I have an amazing job and I bought my first car. ALL GLORY TO GOD. This is my first apartment since 2010 I work from home and have 2 daughters in daycare and 2 daughters doing school from home and work full time. I am so grateful!! This year I am praying to pay off my school debt and save for a down payment on a condo or a small house and fix my credit its in Gods hands. 


This past month Jody made her final payment on her car and now has possession of the pink slip. She was so proud of herself and why not… she has worked incredibly hard to reconnect with God, overcome addiction, become a responsible mother, earn her High School diploma as well as a college certificate in accounting, find and secure an excellent job, and has an impressive savings account.

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